Rejoicing in Heaven

I like conversion stories. I like watching The Journey Home on EWTN. One of the first Catholic talks I ever listened to on CD was Scott Hahn’s Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic. During my conversion, I read both Rome Sweet Home and Surprised by TruthI really love conversion stories. However this also carries with it a downside. Sometimes, when i reflect on my own conversion story, i think is isn’t very compelling. I never faced persecution. I never had a spouse that considered a divorce over my decision. I didn’t have to give up my livelihood. I am from a part of the United States where Catholics are pretty common, if not in the majority. My entry into the Catholic Church was pretty smooth. That is a blessing. From the other stories I have read, I had a very easy time of converting. But it was no less supernatural, and no less significant in the eyes of God. When I was confirmed there was great rejoicing in Heaven. I was a lost sheep that had come home, just as there is great rejoicing any time any person comes to repentance and comes into full communion with the Church. I guess the point is, that no matter what the circumstances of your own story, tell it. Tell the story. Your story is unique, and is compelling in its own way. Somebody wants to hear it, and somebody will be moved by it. You may never be on The Journey Home, and it never may be published in a book form, but it is a good story, and it will edify someone. Even if it helps one soul make the decision to come home, isn’t it worth it?